No two law firms are identical. Each one differs in some way like every case differs in some way. We are different because we are international, we offer a complete solution, we predict and prevent future problems and because we put our values into practice. Others are different in another way. This is ours, and we like it.
Joel Sebastian
Joel is an expert in banking- and financial law with special focus on contracts and leases. He has international experience from firms such as Navas y Cusí Abogados and Zafo Law and he has worked as a consultant to global organizations in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Over the last few years, he has been co-ordinating and providing technical support for projects and judicial work regarding human rights in Colombia, Turkey, Palestine, Honduras and El Salvador among others.
In light of his expertise and international experience, Joel is (if time is available) an oft-hired lecturer both within and outside of Spain. Among other things, he teaches international law at the universities of Stockholm and Barcelona.

Eva Hobeich
Eva is an expert in civil law with special focus on Dispute Settlements. She has been responsible for- and handled numerous litigations in which the rulings often have led to development of current practice in business- and financial law.
One example of her ability to find new solutions to current law is the sentence declaring that a bank, in this case, the World´s seventh largest, had acted with direct intent in keeping information from its client.
At Nilsson & Hobeich Eva is responsible for the dispute division, where she co-ordinates business and works out strategies for the firm´s clients. As an expert in civil law, Eva is one of the initiators of a co-op that gives judicial aid to people in vulnerable positions.
Dispute Resolution
We’ve successfully settled cases against the biggest banks and obtained convictions regarding e.g. Derivatives, funds, loans and other financial instruments.
Reorganizations and Insolvency
When you are in insolvency nothing helps more than a good negotiation. And in negotiations, a well thought out strategy is key.
Tax Law
Paying nothing more than what you should can save you a lot of money. Tax evasion can be a lot more expensive most of the time.
Business Law
It is significantly more profitable to sign a well-drafted contract than winning a trial. Something our clients are well aware of.
Property Law
Others disappear after signing. We take care of, and give guarantees, for the whole process.
Human Rights
There is still much to do internationally, in regards to both media and practice. And this is what we are working on.
Nilsson & Hobeich has, as many others firms, a clear basis of values. But for us it is important that this does not end with nice words and thoughts. We have chosen to implement these values in everyday life and real people.